Brace yourself, drink your morning rockstar cuz you are in the toddler B room for the next five hours. (14 kids age 2 turning 3 this coming year!) So, the morning starts out smoothly I arrive at...
7:30 am to assist the early risers. Then I find out that my co-teacher is not going to be in the classroom with me today and I have an incompetent sub that doesn't do toddlers. That means I'll be changing all the diapers and that I will have to be the head referee today.
8:30 am and school has started with the twins aka tornados arriving running into the classroom at full speed to wash their hands. If I turn my back for a few seconds there is water all over the place, a mini flood in the classroom.
9:00 am the director of the pre-school informs me that we will have a fire drill in ten minutes so it will scare the children so be ready. Quickly I told the class to get their jackets/sweatshirts on to go outside. This is a complicated process with fourteen little two year olds, who can't do zippers.
9:10 am One boy starts crying scared of transitioning to another place besides the classroom during the fire drill. Getting the entire class down a flight of stairs is quite a process to say the least!
9:30 Clean up time
9:45 Snack time
10:00 Circle time/ Story time
10:30 Center exploration
11:00 One of the kids bites the other kid
11:30 One of the kids throws up his lunch all over the place
12:00 change four poopy diapers borderline loose stools
12:15 drink a diet pepsi
12:30 nap time feeewwww!